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Zotero Guide

OSU Libraries Help

If you have questions or run into problems using Zotero, there are several options for getting help at the OSU Libraries.

  1. Attend an in-person workshop <view the current schedule>
  2. Watch the Intro to Zotero or Intermediate/Advanced Zotero workshop recordings. Each are an hour-long, and you can use the search feature in the upper right corner of the video screen to navigate to relevant topics.
  3. Contact one of the Zotero librarians

    Hannah Gascho Rempel


    Diana Park

    Profile Photo





Zotero Help

Zotero icon

Zotero provides several types of support if you run into questions or problems.

  1. Documentation that includes screenshots and screencasts
  2. Forums that allow you to search to see if anyone is experiencing your same problem or ask questions of other Zotero users and developers.  Responses are often given the same day.

Using Zotero's Documentation to Get Help

Use Zotero's Documentation Help when you have questions about the Zotero workflow, for example - how to save articles to your library, how to change citation styles in a Word document, or how much storage space you get for free. Expect to find simple screenshots and text that walk you through how to use that element of Zotero.

Use Zotero's Forums to Get Help

Use Zotero's Forums for help when you have questions about problems specific to your computer, problems with a specific database, or suggestions for improvements to Zotero.  For example you might search for why Google Scholar isn't adding articles to your Zotero library, or why Word for Mac 2008 isn't cooperating with Zotero. Expect to see questions other people have posted to the forum and the responses to those questions.Sometimes you will need to look through several posts to find a solution that matches your need. It can also be better to search with a few broad keywords to find more solutions.

If you want to post a question or make a suggestion, you will need to log into the forums with your Zotero login name. Responses to posts are typically posted within a few hours. You should receive an email in the emailbox associated with your Zotero account when a response is posted.