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The Women and Gender Center at Oregon State University began in 1972 as a study group of Oregon State faculty led by Economics Professor Jeanne Dost. In addition to teaching a course on contemporary women's issues, the group wanted to create a place on campus for the open study and discussion of feminist issues by students and outside speakers. The new Women's Center, which was established in 1973, offered counseling, support groups, tutoring, and developmental programs to both women and men. The Center began receiving University funding in 1974 as a program of the Memorial Union and Student Activities. The Women's Center is located in the Benton Annex, a small building constructed in 1892 as the Station Building, which was slated for destruction in the early 1970s. Jeanne Dost (1973-1980), Nancy Vanderpool (1981-1993), and Beth Rietveld (1993-2011) served as Directors or Supervisors of the Women's Center since it's establishment.
Please note: The Women's Center was renamed the Hattie Redmond Women and Gender Center, but the majority of archival materials are still described as "The Women's Center"
Women's Center Records (RG 243)
The Women's Center Records document the Center's educational, research, and advocacy roles at Oregon State University. The collection consists primarily of reports and publications, correspondence, committee records, surveys, course records, conference and workshop materials, and subject files. The records also include brochures, calendars, handbooks, newsletters, newpaper clippings, notes, photographs, and videotapes. The records provide information on a variety of topics, including child care resources; campus safety; sexual assault prevention; salary parity for women faculty and staff; equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students; ethnic, cultural and racial diversity, and the campus climate.
Records of the Women's Center Advisory Board are part of the collection. The Center's administration of the Women of Achievement Awards for OSU are documented as well. Materials pertaining to the Oregon Women in Higher Eduation (OWHE) and the OSU Women's Leadership Conferences are included. The photographs include portraits of prominent OSU women that were exhibited in the Center; these include Jane Lubchenco, Jo Anne Trow, Phyllis Lee, and Helen Gilkey. The records include reports and publications written by Jeanne Dost; a large component of the records were created or assembled during the time that Beth Rietveld was Executive Director of the Women's Center.
OSU Women’s Center Group Oral History Interview, Spring 2015
A group oral history interview with 4 of the WC's staff members.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501
Phone: 541-737-3331