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ORCID® identifiers at OSU

Information about registering, populating, and linking ORCID records for identity and research profile management.

Will my ORCID record (at populate automatically with my research output?

Initially, you can populate your profile using PubMed Central, CrossRef, and works already associated with a Thomson Reuters’ ResearcherID. You can also have ORCID automatically add new works to your profile.

How to Enable Automatic Updates:

1. Sign into your ORCID account.

2. Go to the "Works" section of your profile.

3. Click on "Add works" and choose "Search & link".

4. Select a trusted organization (e.g. CrossRef, DataCite, PubMed, etc.)

5. Follow the prompts to grant access to the organization, allowing it to update your profile automatically. 


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Michael Boock
Contact me for help with questions pertaining to copyright, the OSU Faculty Open Access policy, open access publishing, digital collections of scholarship. I am the library liaison for the College of Forestry and the Honors College.
