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ORCID® identifiers at OSU

Information about registering, populating, and linking ORCID records for identity and research profile management.


ORCID notifications inform users about changes or actions related to their ORCID record or account. Here’s how they work:

Notification Types

1. Connection Requests

Organizations (e.g., publishers, funders, or employers) may request permission to update or interact with your ORCID record. These requests appear as notifications.

2. Record Updates

Notifications are sent when an authorized organization updates your ORCID record, such as adding publications, funding, or affiliations.

3. Account Changes

If there are changes to your account settings (e.g., password reset or email changes), ORCID may notify you for security purposes.

4. General Announcements
ORCID occasionally sends notifications about system updates, feature releases, or other general information.

How You Receive Notifications

1. Email Notifications

ORCID sends notifications to your primary email address. You can manage these preferences in your account settings.

  • To adjust email notifications:
    • Log in to ORCID.
    • Go to Account Settings > Email and Notification Preferences.

2. Inbox on ORCID Dashboard

Notifications are also available in your ORCID inbox:

  • Log in to your ORCID account.
  • Click on the envelope icon in the top-right corner to access your inbox.
  • Notifications remain here until you dismiss them.

Customizing Notification Preferences

You can control the types of notifications you receive by:

  • Logging in to your ORCID account.
  • Navigating to Account Settings.
  • Selecting or deselecting notifications based on your preferences.

Responding to Notifications

  • For connection requests: Click on the link in the notification to review and accept or deny the request.
  • For updates: Review changes and ensure they are accurate. If something is incorrect, you can edit or remove the information directly in your ORCID record.


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Michael Boock
Contact me for help with questions pertaining to copyright, the OSU Faculty Open Access policy, open access publishing, digital collections of scholarship. I am the library liaison for the College of Forestry and the Honors College.
