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An ORCID iD is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers. ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. The ORCID initiative focuses on solving the name ambiguity problem by creating persistent unique identifiers and linking mechanisms between different ID schemes and research objects.
You can easily create an ORCID iD with your OSU credentials using the ORCID@OSU tool.
If you have already created an ORCID iD, log-in to the ORCID@OSU tool, follow the prompts that instruct you to log-in and grant the university permission to read and write to your ORCID record. If you do not already have an ORCID iD, you will be presented with a pre-filled registration page.
Start at ORCID@OSU
Log in to your ORCID account
View the account settings at the top right side of page and edit the trusted organizations to include Oregon State University
When applying for a grant or submitting an article for publication. You can also add it to your web profile, your CV, or any other place you list your research.
Initially, you can populate your profile using PubMed Central, CrossRef, and works already associated with a Thomson Reuters’ ResearcherID. You can also have ORCID automatically add new works to your profile.
How to Enable Automatic Updates:
1. Sign into your ORCID account.
2. Go to the "Works" section of your profile.
3. Click on "Add works" and choose "Search & link".
4. Select a trusted organization (e.g. CrossRef, DataCite, PubMed, etc.)
5. Follow the prompts to grant access to the organization, allowing it to update your profile automatically.
Yes. You can manually edit your publication list. You can also clean up your profile by deleting entries that are not your own work or those you do not wish to list on your profile.
Yes, non-Latin script character sets with Unicode encoding are supported for display and search of ORCID profiles and the ORCID registry. Such citations may be added to your profile manually, or imported (if the exporting database supports these characters).
Your ORCID record goes with you. It is not tied to a particular institution.
Yes, you can delete your ORCID record and iD. We do not recommend this, since ORCID iDs are increasingly required for grant applications and by publishers. An unused ORCID profile is not a problem, so we suggest keeping it until you need it.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501
Phone: 541-737-3331