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ORCID® identifiers at OSU

Information about registering, populating, and linking ORCID records for identity and research profile management.

ORCID logoORCID provides a persistent identifier – an ORCID iD – that distinguishes you from other researchers and a mechanism for linking your research outputs and activities to your iD. Learn more at


How To Register and Link


Click on this link and follow these directions to link your ORCID to OSU.

  1. Sign into your account.

  2. You can use your OSU credentials to sign in.

  3. Give OSU access to your ORCID record. Check the box next to “Allow this permission until I revoke it”.

  4. If you want to pull in publications from other sources, go to Works-Add Works. Choose Web of Science, Pubmed Central, CrossRef, DataCite, and other trusted sources to add your publications and datasets.

Integrate Your Digital Measures Account With Your ORCID

Follow these instructions to set up your Digital Measures/ORCID connection and to automatically import your publications from ORCID to Digital Measures.


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Michael Boock
Contact me for help with questions pertaining to copyright, the OSU Faculty Open Access policy, open access publishing, digital collections of scholarship. I am the library liaison for the College of Forestry and the Honors College.
