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Integrating Library Resources into Canvas

This guide is to help faculty integrate library resources and services into their Canvas course.

Linking to help

You can add any of the boxes below into your Canvas course site.


  1. Select the module in Canvas to which you want to add the library content.
  2. Select the + button to add content to the module.
  3. Choose "External Tool" as the type of content you want to add.
  4. Choose the LibApps app.
    1. Name the Page (e.g. Where can I get more help?)
  5. Click Add Item
  6. Click on the Library Research link you just created
  7. Choose under Please select a site....
  8. Select the content type you want to add, Full Guide or just a box from a guide.  
  9. Browse or search for the guide you want to add. Our most popular content is on the " " guide.
    1. Courses are listed by course designator and number (e.g., ANS 420)
    2. Subject guides are indicated by an * and are listed alphabetically
  10. Click the "Embed Content" button.
  11. Be sure to Publish the new content so students can view it.

Where can I get more help?

Contact the OSU Libraries Information Desk

Ask a Librarian-chat, email, text