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Integrating Library Resources into Canvas

This guide is to help faculty integrate library resources and services into their Canvas course.

What are Library Research Guides (a.k.a. LibGuides)?

Library Research Guides or LibGuides are web guides that librarians create to help students locate appropriate resources or learn good research skills. LibGuides can be made specifically for a course or for a subject. Some LibGuides are "how-to" guides.

Now you can integrate parts (modules or pages) or all of a guide right into your Canvas course site. Instead of creating link out to  research guide, you can pull the content into your Canvas course site where and when it is most appropriate. This puts the information front and center and right at the point of need.

Contact the Library for help and suggestions about what guide content to integrate into your Canvas course.


Where can I get more help?

Contact the OSU Libraries Information Desk