Go over the group agreements, then discuss the following questions:
- How has it been for you since the last meeting? Did anything from the book stick with you during that time?
- What were your “aha!” moments while reading this chapter?
- Why do you think Kendi structured the final chapters in this order (failure -> success -> survival)?
- Kendi writes on page 230, “Educational and moral suasion is not only a failed strategy. It is a suicidal strategy.” Why is this? What is the alternative?
- What are you doing to change policy? What is OSULP doing to change policy? What is OSU doing to change policy?
- On page 238, Kendi writes “But before we can treat, we must believe.” Discuss the beliefs Kendi lists out in this paragraph.
- Do you believe in the things on this list? Why or why not?
- What does a future with these truths look like?
- Thinking back over the last year, where have you grown the most? Where do you still want to learn more?
Wrap up: Depending on time, you may ask people to put these in chat
- What is a specific action you can take in the next week that is anti-racist?
- What worked today? What didn’t work?