Go over the group agreements, then discuss the following questions:
- How has it been for you since the last meeting? Did anything from the book stick with you during that time?
- What were your “aha!” moments while reading this chapter?
- What are ways in which we can support people of color in our institution?
- Kendi’s definition of racism, which specifically incorporates the idea that people of color can be racist as well, differs from many other definitions. Talk about the ways in which it differs or aligns with your understanding of racism?
- How is his definition different from the concept of “reverse racism”?
- “Racist ideas are constantly produced to cage the power of people to resist” (p142) - talk about this concept (especially in the light of recent news)
Wrap up: Depending on time, you may ask people to put these in chat
- What is a specific action you can take in the next week that is anti-racist?
- What worked today? What didn’t work?