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Diversity Scholars Program

Information about the OSUL Diversity Scholars Program.

The Need for Diversity in Librarianship

"Whiteness [an ideological practice that can extend beyond notions of racial supremacy to other areas of dominance] has permeated every aspect of librarianship, extending even to the initiatives we commit to increasing diversity. We can, however, make meaningful and important changes. With continued critical study of whiteness and its effects on LIS, it is possible to redirect our thinking about diversity from a problem to be solved to a goal worth achieving. Moreover, we can and should develop real strategies for attaining that goal. The first step is to help diverse applicants navigate the whiteness of the profession and make a concerted effort to dismantle whiteness from within. In doing so, we can recreate the profession into one that truly embraces inclusivity."

- April Hathcock, Scholarly Communications Librarian at New York University

From Hathcock's 2015 article "White Librarianship in Blackface: Diversity Initiatives in LIS"

Socially Justice Oriented Diversity Program Scholars

Social Justice and Libraries





Undergraduates who are social-justice oriented (academically and/or personally) are likely to be interested in pursuing fields that actively work toward diversity and inclusion. Library Science is an area of intersection between social justice and public service in which a scholar can apply their passion in meaningful and impactful ways.

The Core Values of Librarianship, as outlined by the American Library Association, include Access, Diversity, Intellectual Freedom, and Social Responsibility -- there are points of connection between social justice and all aspects of librarianship.

Resources on Diversity in the Library Profession

2016 PROMISE Internship

PROMISE Internship at OSU Libraries and Press, Cece Lantz Summer '16

In summer of 2016, the OSU Libraries and Press welcomed Cece Lantz, through the 10-week long PROMISE Internship Program at Oregon State. Cece's helped create a meaningful recruitment plan for the Diversity Scholar's Program, and to engage in a library experience similar to what our Diversity Scholars will be engaging in as part of the program. Their experience included (but was not limited to):  job shadowing, informational interviews, mini-projects, visits to other academic libraries, and mentorship from the Diversity Scholars Committee.