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*Government Information: Federal

Finding Federal government information and resources, both current and historical, including Census and statistical resources.

GPO Webcasts and Webinars

FDLP Academy Webinars and Webcasts

Check out these free, educational webinars and webcasts from the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO).

Presenters from GPO, other Federal Government agencies, and from Federal depository libraries across the Nation present on topics related to Federal Government information and the Federal Depository Library Program.

Some of the subjects covered can include: the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), minority health resources, Census Business Builder, HHS on, ERIC, cybersecurity, and Census Bureau USA Trade Online. tutorials and handouts

Help Using Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

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The CGP is the finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive information for historical and current publications as well as direct links to the full document, when available. Users can search by authoring agency, title, subject, and general keywords, or click on "Advanced Search" for more options. You can learn how to use the CGP by clicking on Help tab at the top of the page, or going here.