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When researching bills that passed or were originated before about 1995, it may be necessary to put aside online resources and crack a few books! Here is some information on where to find information on historic bills.
The Congressional Record and its predecessors contain a record of the proceedings of Congress. These are not verbatim transcripts, as members are allowed to edit their remarks and insert remarks not actually spoken.
Available in the Valley Library (print & microfilm/microfiche):
Library of Congress, “A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation,” http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.html has the pre-Congressional Record publications digitized (Congressional Globe, Register of Debates, and Annals of Congress)
NOTE: This website is ancient in internet terms (20 years) and has some problems with image display. The site will eventually be replaced, but we don't know when. Library of Congress assures us, however, that while there are display problems the entire content is there.
Coverage on FDsys goes back only to 1994 at this time.
Govinfo.gov has the Bound Congressional Record (the permanent edition of CR) digitized from its beginning in 1893 to 1998.
Finding aids: each volume contains an index
The United States Congressional Serial Set is a compilation of Congressional Reports and Documents. It does not include hearings, debates and committee prints.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set from Readex has full text and excellent indexing and browsability.
In Paper:
The Serial Set is located on the 3rd floor of the Valley Library, in locked shelves. Access is provided through the Special Collections & Archives Research Center. Researchers are encouraged to contact them to make an appointment.
OSU has Serial Set volumes through the 96th Congress (1979) (with gaps).
Finding Aids:
Published committee hearings include transcripts of testimony, question and answer sessions, and any supplementary material inserted into the record. Not all hearings are published. Since congressional committees do not have a statutory requirement to publish hearings, it is not certain that a hearing that is held has been or will ever be officially published. Hearings are not included in the Congressional Record.
OSU has hearings from about 1980 - 1999 on microfiche. We also have a collection of selected pre-1980 hearings. Most are not cataloged, but are kept in the Documents stacks arranged by committee name and title. A few have been added to the online catalog, so please check there as well.
Finding Aids:
Congressional Committee Prints are publications issued by committees in Congress that include topics related to their legislative or research activities, as well as other matters such as memorial tributes. The prints are an excellent resource for statistical and historical information, and for legislative analysis. The subjects of the Committee Prints vary greatly due to the different concerns and actions of each committee. Some basic categories of Congressional Committee Prints are: draft reports and bills, directories, statistical materials, investigative reports, historical reports, situational studies, confidential staff reports, hearings, and legislative analyses.
Many committee prints are not widely distributed and are not made available to libraries.
Pre-1980 Prints: OSU has a collection of selected pre-1980 prints that are kept in the Documents stacks arranged by committee name and title. A few have been cataloged, so please check the online catalog as well.
1980-1999: OSU has some prints for these years on microfiche. Check the catalog for availability.
Finding Aids:
For years previous to 1987, text of bills may be included in the Congressional Record or in Senate and House reports, prints and hearings. (See under Debates for information on accessing Congressional Record.)
Permanent, official collection of all laws and resolutions (public and private) enacted during each session of Congress.
In print:
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501
Phone: 541-737-3331