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*Government Information: Federal

Finding Federal government information and resources, both current and historical, including Census and statistical resources.

Finding Aid: Congressional Hearings


Published hearing transcripts from Congressional committees and subcommittees contain all witness testimony, the question-and-answer portion of the hearing, and any other material requested of the witness by the committee. It takes several months, or even years, for a hearing to be published; some may never be published.

There are several types of Congressional hearings:President Ford Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee

  • Legislative
  • Oversight
  • Investigative
  • Confirmation
  • Field


  • Congressional Record usually notes when a hearing is happening
  • Congressional Calendar (on FDsys since 1995:
  • CIS US congressional committee hearings index. Published in parts. Each part has vols. for Reference bibliography; Index by subjects and organizations, and Index by personal names. Call number: KF40 .C56 1981.OSU has volumes for 1953 (83rd Congress) through 1969 (91st Congress)
  • Searching Wikipedia for important issues often will reveal details about hearings held on the subject that you can use in your searches.


  • 1Search: includes hearings both in paper or online (link provided in catalog record) found at OSU Libraries. OSUL has hearings from about 1980 - 1999 on microfiche. Hearings from 1999 - present are collected in paper and/or online. Check 1Search records for availability and format.
  • ProQuest Congressional: ProQuest Congressional is a comprehensive online collection of primary source congressional publications and legislative research materials covering all topics, including government, current events, politics, economics, business, science and technology, international relations, social issues, finance, insurance, and medicine. Finding aid for congressional hearings (published and unpublished), committee prints, committee reports and documents from 1824-present, and the daily Congressional Record from 1985-present.

  • FDsys (some hearings from 1985-1996; more complete from 1997-present)
  • Law Library of Congress website (selected) (supposed to be findable via Google search)
  • Committee websites:

Resources beyond OSU and the internet

The Knight Library at the University of Oregon also has a more complete collection of hearings in print; if we can identify what is needed they or another depository library may be able to provide them via ILL.