Find a grad student writing group or get assistance with your writing. The Grad Writing Center is conveniently located on the 6th floor of the Valley Library.
Attend a free workshop to help you get started with your literature review, learn how to use citation management software tools, or how to manage your data responsibly.
We don't subscribe to every journal or own every book - but we can get most items for you at no cost to you! Sign up for interlibrary loan and extend your research reach.
A free and open source citation management tool. Highly recommended with a fairly low learning curve - and synchronous workshops are available at the library.
On the 6th floor of the Valley Library you can study and relax in the reading room, or reserve a connected classroom, small group room, or research room.
This classroom can be used by graduate students for thesis presentations, practice presentations, and group study when the room is not otherwise in use.
Learn how long you can borrow various types of items (e.g., books for up to 6 months) and what kinds of items you can borrow (laptops, games, blue lights and more!).
Consider using online modules from the libraries' How-To Guide in your class, or invite a librarian to introduce relevant information literacy concepts.