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H 525: Principles of Epidemiology

Saving & Citing PubMed Sources

Once you have found appropriate article citations in PubMed, you can save citations for export as a file or export to email or export to a collection in your NCBI account (free account that you create using whatever email/password you want to use). See the modules below for exporting to a plain text file.

Alternately, you can use a citation manager tool like EndNote, Zotero or Mendeley to capture citations right from the search you are running; these tools can also help you automatically create in-text citatons and bibliographies while you are writing your papers (see the modules below for workshop training dates and online tutorial links).

Save Article Citations

You can create a list of article citations to export using the following steps:

On each page of search results:

  1. Mark the citations you want to save by clicking the checkbox next to the citation.
  2. Click the the "Send To" options.
  3. Select "Clipboard" from the list.
  4. If more citations are to be saved, move to the next page of search results (or run another search) and repeat Steps 1-3.

image of pubmed search window with "send to" and "clipboard" features highlighted


Once you have the desired collection of citations on the Clipboard, open the Clipboard using the link under the PubMed search box.

image of clipboard link under pubmed search box


To email the Clipboard citations to yourself/someone else or to add them to a text file, see the modules below.

Note that you can also choose to Email citations or Save citation to a file direct from the PubMed results page if you are not building a collection from multiple searches or pages of search results.


Email Article Citations

From the Pubmed Clipboard page:

  1. Select the Email option (you can also choose to Email citations direct from the PubMed results page if you are not building a collection from multiple searches or pages of search results).
  2. Complete the Email field; make the final decision on which citations to email; and choose the format in which you want the citations to appear in the email.
  3. Click Send email.

image of pubmed email citation options



Add Article Citations to a File

From the Pubmed Clipboard page:

  1. Select the Save option (you can also choose to Save citations direct from the PubMed results page if you are not building a collection from multiple searches or pages of search results).
  2. Make the final decision on which citations to save to the file and choose the format in which you want the citations to appear in the file.
  3. Click Create File and save that file to your preferred storage location.