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The School of Public Policy at OSU is home to programs in Economics, Political Science, Sociology, and the Masters in Public Policy. The School of Public Policy offers on campus and online undergraduate majors in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology, as well as an on campus Masters in Public Policy program.The School also offers undergraduate minors in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology as well as graduate minors in Political Science and Sociology.
This page was created for the Masters and PhD students in the Public Policy programs. These students engage in interdisciplinary research, and student essays are collected into a community on ScholarsArchive@OSU, the institutional repository. You can search or browse these papers at http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/jspui/handle/1957/4129.
Students in Public Policy should also see the Government Information Guide for more specific information about the Federal and State governments and their programs, as well as guides for their disciplines of focus (http://ica.library.oregonstate.edu/subject-guides/).
OSU Researchers are encouraged to submit their scholarly work to ScholarsArchive@OSU, Oregon State University's digital service for gathering, indexing, making available and storing the scholarly work of the Oregon State University community.
Depositing your scholarly materials to ScholarsArchive@OSU increases the visibility and citation impact of your scholarship by providing open access, and preserves it by providing a persistent URL so that people can reliably access it in perpetuity.
For more information, visit http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/jspui/index.jsp and click on the FAQ and Getting Started help guides.
The Oregon Policy Directory (OPD) is a topically organized listing of nearly 400 think tanks, interest groups, trade associations, unions, tribal groups, foundations, media, and other organizations that influence or report on public policy-making in Oregon. In addition to browsing the list of organizations, the Google custom search feature allows you to search all the 400 policy-oriented sites by word, phrase, or Google search string.
Oregon Policy Directory: http://libweb.uoregon.edu/govdocs/opd.html
(created and maintained by the University of Oregon Libraries Document Center)
Topically organized, the American Policy Directory from the University of Oregon Libraries helps you locate analysis and advocacy from all perspectives on U.S. national public policy.
American Policy Directory http://libweb.uoregon.edu/govdocs/apd.html
The Council of State Governments (CSG) (http://www.csg.org/) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that provides quality research support "to help state officials shape public policy." Its research areas include governmental operations, state and federal legislation and regulations, and policies issues at the state and national levels. CSG is widely known for the useful The Book of the States, available on the site. A Leadership Center section is dedicated to helping officials improve their leadership skills with seminars and directed readings. The Contact Us page has a separate link for research inquiries. The Knowledge Center section has two especially useful subsections: Policy Area which contains reports on numerous topics (e.g., education, elections, public safety), and Data Center that links to polling numbers, an unemployment tracker, and a database where one can compare how states perform in certain categories.
Citing Government Documents: American Psychological Association (University of Nebraska Kearney)
Citing Government Information Sources Using MLA (Modern Language Association) Style (Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, Univ. of Nevada, Reno)
DocsCite (Arizona State University Libraries) helps with both MLA and APA styles.
The Bluebook: a uniform system of citation. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Law Review Association. Valley Reference Desk KF245 .B58 2010 (19th edition)
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Corvallis OR 97331–4501
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