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This guide provides an overview of EndNote along with training options, support and access information for EndNote.

Getting References into EndNote

Getting references into EndNote involves exporting references from article databases, journal websites, library catalogs and Google Scholar and then importing those references into EndNote. Mostly this happens automatically with Direct Export.

Choose your database, journal website or catalog from the list below  to view reference export instructions. (HINT: Use Ctrl+F or Command+F to search the page). 

If you need to select an Import Filter to complete the export process, the proper filter is noted at the bottom of each set of instructions.


Databases: 1Search

Hover anywhere in the record to show the microscope (preview) and folder (save) icons in the upper right corner of the record (use the horizontal scroll on your browser window if you cannot see the far right of the screen).  Click the "folder" icon for any record you wish to save and export to EndNote.  This action "saves" these records to your "Saved Items" folder located in the lower right corner of your browser window.  Click the "Saved Items" link.  In the upper left of the Saved Items window, choose "Export:  EndNote."  In the file dialog box, select: 

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct import filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS


Databases (CAB Direct):  CAB Abstracts

Mark records. To the right, in the Tools area, click the 'Download Selected Citations' link. From the Download Citations window, select the citation option you want.  Click 'Submit.'  In the file dialog box, select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct import filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  CABDirect (CABI) or RefMan RIS


Databases (CAS Web):  SciFinder Scholar - Web

Select records.  Select the 'Export' link in the upper right above the results list.  Name the file and select File Type:  Citation export format (*.ris).  Click 'Export'.  In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import FilterRefMan (RIS)


Databases (CIOS):  ComAbstracts

Select records by clicking 'add to folder" link for each record. Mark records now stored in the record folder.  From the pull-down menu, select 'Download checked items in RIS format'.  In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS


Databases (EbscoHost):  Academic Search Premier, AGRICOLA, Alternative Press Index, America History & Life, Anthropology Plus, Art Fulltext, Business Source Premier, CINAHL, ERIC, Fish, Fisheries & Aquatic Biodiversity Worldwide, GeoRef, Historical Abstracts, MEDLINE, MLA International Bibliography, Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide

Mark records by clicking ‘Add to Folder’ link. Near top of page, click ‘Folder’ icon. Mark records. Select the 'Export' icon. On the Save / E-mail screen, select ‘Direct Export to EndNote, ProCite, or Reference Manager’. Click the 'Save' button. In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter  to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS


Databases (Engineering Index) :  Compendex

Mark records. Near the top of the screen, click the ‘Download’ button. Select ‘RIS, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager’; click ‘Download’. In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  Ei Compendex (Ei)


Databases (FirstSearch):  ArticleFirst, ERIC, GPO, MEDLINE, PapersFirst, Proceedings, WorldCat

Mark records. Near the top of the page, click the 'Marked Records' link.  Click the 'Export' button.  On the Export screen, select 'Export to: EndNote'; click 'Export'.  In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  "Database Name" (OCLC)


Databases (Gale):  Academic OneFile, Business Economics and Theory, Criminal Justice Collection, Educator's Reference Complete, Environmental Studies Collection, InfoTrac Newsstand, Psychology Collection...and many others

Mark records.  Click 'Marked Items' above the results screen.  Select the 'Citation Tools' icon near the upper right of the Marked Items window.  Select the 'Export to third party software > EndNote' option.  Click 'Export'. In the file dialog box, select:

Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS

Note:  Page numbers may not format correctly.  *Do not* use InfoTrac(Gale) filter.

Databases:  Google Scholar

To enable the export option, click the Settings link in the upper right corner of the Google Scholar homepage. This will generally take you to the Scholar Settings Search Results options page. In the Bibliography Manager section of the Scholar Settings page, select the button next to the option Show links to import citations into and choose EndNote from the drop-down menu.  Click the Save button to permanently save your changes for the machine you are working on.  From the search results page, click on 'Import into EndNote' link.  In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  EndNote Import


Databases (IEEE):  IEEE Electronic Library

Mark records. Above the search results, click the Download Citations button. From the Include menu, select to download the citation only or the citation + abstract. From the Format menu, select 'EndNote, Procite, RefMan'.  Click the Click the Download Citation button. In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS


Databases:  JSTOR

Click the 'Export this Citation' link.  On the Export Citation screen, click on the link 'EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager (download RIS file)'.  In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS

NOTE:  To export mulitple references, you must login (requires free registration)


Databases (NLM): PubMed/MEDLINE

Mark records.  Near the top right of the results window, click the drop-down arrow next to the 'Send to:' link.  Select 'Citation manager' as the Destination.  Click the 'Create File' link to download the file.  In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter  to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  PubMed (NLM)


Database: OSU Libraries Catalog


Databases:  Project Muse

Mark records.  Click the 'Save the Marked Results' button.  Click 'View Saved Results' link in the upper right of the results window.  On the Saved Results screen, select 'Export marked results to - EndNote'.  Click 'Export'.   In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote

Import Filter: RefMan RIS

Databases (ProQuest):  American Periodicals‎, Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Dissertations & Theses@OSU, Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management, ERIC, Ethnic NewsWatch, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)‎, Oceanic Abstracts, PAIS International‎, PILOTS: Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress‎, ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Los Angeles Times, ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source‎, Social Services Abstracts‎, Sociological Abstracts‎, Toxline, The Wall Street Journal, World News Connection‎

Mark records. Hover over the Export/Save icon in the toolbar above the results screen. Select the 'EndNote, Citavi, or Reference Manager' option from the dropdown menu.In the Export/Save dialog box, click 'Continue'. In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter  to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS


Databases:  Science Direct

Mark records to export by clicking the box next to each record. At the top of the search results list, choose the Export Citations option. From the Export Citations page, choose the 'Content Format:' desired and then choose 'Export Format:  RIS Format (for Reference Manager, ProCite, EndNote). Click 'Export'. In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  RefMan RIS


Databases:  Summit catalog

Mark records. Near the top of the search results page, use the Save to: drop down menu to save the marked items to a new list or an existing list. NOTE:  You will need to sign in to your WorldCat account (or create one if you have not) to complete this process.  Revew the items in your list by going to the My Lists option from the MyWorldCat menu at the very top of the screen. Choose the list of items to review/export and click on the Citation View tab (by default, all the items in the list will be selected).  From the Export selected references:  drop down menu, choose the "to EndNote" option and then click the Export button.

Open With: EndNote.EXE, locate your library (if not already open) and select the correct filter to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter: RefMan RIS


Databases (Thompson Reuters):  Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Web of Science/Web of Knowledge, Zoological Record

Mark records. Click the 'Save to EndNote, RefMan, ProCite' button. Click the 'Export' button (if the dialog box does not automatically open up).  In the file dialog box select:

Open With: The default option (or browse to EndNote.EXE) and locate your library (if not already open) to directly export the references.


Save File: Click ‘OK’, then ‘Save’. Use the correct filter to import the references into EndNote.

Import Filter:  Web of Science (TS)


Find Full Text For EndNote

EndNote's Find Full Text feature can be configured and used to search most of the full-text publications to which you have access as a member of the OSU community.

Set Up Find Full Text

  • From EndNote's Edit menu, select Preferences; then (see image below):
    • 1. From the Preferences options, select Find Full Text.
    • 2.Enter OSU’s OpenURL Path address:
    • 3. Enter OSU’s Authentication URL address:
  • Click Apply, then click OK.

endnote find full text dialog box with open url and proxy info filled in


Use Find Full Text to Retrieve PDFs

  • Select/highlight the reference(s) for which you want to find full-text.
  • From the References menu (or right-click menu), select Find Full Text.
  • If presented with the Sign In window, select Current OSU student, faculty, and staff link to proceed with Duo authentication inside the sign in window. Do not press the Continue button at the bottom right of the window.


osu sign in window in endnote fulltext


  • Once you are authenticated, you will be presented with a Database menu in the window. Click the Continue or Done button in bottom right to get past the page.

  • EndNote will then begin to search OSU's collection of full text and pull the PDFs it finds into your EndNote library if it makes a match with a citation in your library. When it adds the full text, a paperclip icon will appear to the left of the entry in your library.



Importing References from Files - General Instructions

If you need to export references as a file and import them later, follow the general directions below.

  1. Open the EndNote library where you want to put the references.
  2. From the "File" menu, choose "Import"
  3. On the  "Import File" line, click "Choose..." and select your file.
  4. On the "Import Option" line, use the drop down menu to choose the filter that matches the database from which the references were exported (see the instructions on the left of this page to identify the proper filter for each database).
  5. Click the "Import" button.
  6. The reference(s) should show up in your library in your temporary "Imported References" folder; the references are also added to your permanent library unless you choose to delete them.


EndNote file import dialog box

Filters & Styles

If you don't find the import option (filter) or output (citation) style you need in the pre-loaded options, try searching the extensive menu of both filters and styles available on EndNote's website.  Simply download the file to the appropriate EndNote/Filter or EndNote/Styles folder in C://Program Files/EndNote.

Importing Citations from a Text Document

Citations in a text document can be converted and pulled into EndNote.  The process is multi-step, and the results may not be perfect.  But if you have a large number of citations stored in a text document that you'd like to get into EndNote, you might try this:

  • 1) Use the program, WizFolio, to convert a plain text list of references to a RIS-formated file and them import the file into EndNote. See these instructions from the UCSF Library.


Import an EndNote Library (Combine Libraries)

If you are still working with multiple libraries and are using a current version of EndNote, it might be time to think about merging your libraries and using EndNote's folder system to keep references organized.

Before merging libraries, it is always a good idea to backup the library into which you will be importing the target library (or references)

1) First open the target library (the one you want to merge with another library). You can either import the whole library (All References showing in library window) or a select group of references (choose the group so that those references are showing in the library window).

2) Open the library into which you want to import the target library (or group of references from the target library)

3) Select File > Import > File

4) Use the Choose button to locate the target library. Select the file and click OK.

5) From the Import Option drop-down menu, select: EndNote Library.

6) Select the desired option for handling duplicate entries.

7) Set the desired option for Text Translation.

8) Click the Import button to finish importing the the target library (or selected references from the target library).



Sync EndNote Library on Multiple Computers

Via Sync, an individual's EndNote library can be used on mulitple computers. To set up one or more secondary machines where the libray will be accessed, follow the guidance in this EndNote video tutorial.

EndNote Library Sharing