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Authorized users include all current students, faculty, and staff of Oregon State University. Authorized users must be defined by their affiliation with the University regardless of their geographic location or campus. As a public, land grant institution with a broad mandate to serve the State of Oregon, “authorized users” also include any other library users accessing OSU’s collections onsite.
No author will be required to waive any institutional or funder open access policy to publish in any of the publisher’s journals. If the publisher has the technical ability to do so, they will directly deposit scholarly articles into Oregon State University’s ScholarsArchive@OSU repository immediately upon publication. If they do not have the ability to directly deposit articles, they will provide tools or mechanisms that facilitate immediate deposit.
OSU authors will not be required to relinquish any rights that would keep them from complying with OSU’s Open Access policy. OSU authors will retain at least the right to grant to OSU a non-exclusive right to preserve the green Open Access version of their scholarly articles, and to make them available for the purpose of open dissemination.
Publishers will ensure the long-term digital preservation and accessibility of their content through participation in trusted digital archives. All archival resources provided by publishers must meet or exceed accessibility standards defined by the Web Accessibility Initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
OSULP will pay a fair and sustainable price to publishers for value-added services, based on transparent and cost-based pricing models. Publishers will not require non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality clauses, or any other methods that prevent OSULP from sharing the terms and conditions in our agreements including, but not limited to, pricing details.
Publishers should make usage data available on-demand to library staff. Usage data should be COUNTER compliant and adhere to the most recent COUNTER Code of Practice. Usage data should be made available on-demand via a web-based portal and accessible via SUSHI.
Confidentiality of user data generated by their use of licensed materials must be maintained. Usage data must not be disclosed or sold to any third party without prior consent.
Any publisher that has the technological ability to provide computational access to researchers wanting to text- or data-mine licensed content will do so as a standard part of all contracts.
Publisher licenses must not include clauses that try to limit Fair Use provisions of the United States and international law. Agreements should allow for the printing, downloading and copying activities that are inherent in scholarly work including, but not limited to, linking to resources in course management systems, and scholarly sharing of reasonable amounts of content with third party colleagues. Licenses must allow authorized users to incorporate reasonable portions of licensed content in print and electronic course packs, electronic reserve collections, or other educational materials.
OSULP must be able to use electronic resources for the purpose of fulfilling interlibrary loan requests in accordance with the Interlibrary Loan Provision of sections 107 and 108 of the US Copyright Act.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501
Phone: 541-737-3331