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Researcher e-Visibility: ImpactStory

Establish your online identity, share your work, and promote your scholarship by networking with peers.

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About Impactstory

Impactstory is an open-source, web-based tool that helps you explore and share the diverse impact of your work, including data from Twitter, blogs, news outlets, and more. Funded by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Impactstory is a nonprofit focused on the needs of scholars rather than shareholders.  While scholars were at one time charged $30 a year for membership, as of April 2016, profiles are now free again.  Impactstory integrates with ORCID, so if you already have an ORCID identifier, you don't have to fill in all your information again.

Creating an Impactstory Profile: Steps

1. Go to

2. Click "Join for free with ORCID" (or register for one, if you don't have one already - it's free!).

3. Enter your ORCID login information and click "authorize".

4. Enter your preferred email and click "Make my profile!"

* Impactstory pulls its data from ORCID, so if you don't have any works listed in your ORCID profile, you'll be prompted to populate those before you can see your Impactstory profile.