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Research Posters and Presentations

Tips and Resources for creating a research poster.

Why Make a Research Poster?

A research poster is a visual tool that allows one to present your research in a graphic way. A research poster should be designed to attract attention and convey information in a clear and organized way.  Well-designed posters should work to create conversation between the researcher and the individuals viewing the poster. 

Learn from Others

Here are a few websites that give advice on what successful and unsuccessful research posters look like.

  • For an example of what a poster should not look like and why, take a look at this blog post by Colin Purrington
  • For tips on effective research posters, check out 5 Pointers for a Better Poster by Katie Shives
  • For useful tricks on improving poster design, visit the blog Better Posters.


Proofreading and practicing your Research Poster or Presentation are keys to success! 

The good news is many people can help you with these tasks.

Inquire with the following:

  • Lab Groups
  • Faculty Mentors
  • Peer Mentors
  • Media Hub for help with design and creation