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About these collections:
Collections with general information pertaining to OSU's cultural and Ethnic Groups Diversity
Oregon Multicultural Communities Research Collection (OMCRC):
The OMCRC is an artificial collection containing items of interest about multicultural communities within Oregon State University and to a lesser extent, the city of Corvallis, and the state of Oregon.
Affirmative Action: newspaper articles, brochures and other materials pertaining to the OSU office that enforces university, state and federal regulations pertaining to equal rights and opportunity within the campus community.
Anti-Discrimination Board: newspaper articles pertaining to a campus organization established in the early 1970s to deal with cases of discrimination in employment and hiring.
Cultural Centers: general information on the cultural centers at OSU.
Difference, Power and Discrimination Program: newspaper articles pertaining to the DPD, a program established in 1993 to help incorporate multiculturalism into OSU's curriculum.
Minorities and Special Service Programs Office: Contains a June 1970 report on the OMSSP that includes information on OSU students from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Minority Education Offices: Brochures, flyers and newspaper clippings relating to the four components of the Minority Education Office – the Casa Educacional, the Asian/Pacific American Education Office, the Indian Education Office, and the Ujima Education Office.
Minority Scholars: Information on this 1980s and 1990s scholarship program.
Multicultural Affairs, Office of: Newspaper clippings, brochures, flyers and memos pertaining to this office that directs the Minority Education Offices, the annual Martin Luther King , Jr., celebration and generally promoted diversity and multiculturalism on campus.
Protests: Includes newspaper articles about protests, boycotts, demonstrations and rallies at OSU and in Corvallis held to protest racism and promote diversity.
Race Relations: Newspaper clippings, flyers, memos, etc. pertaining to general issues of race and diversity at OSU.
Student Protests: Same as protests, but also includes flyers, memos, programs and other literature. Pertains to OSU only.
Histories of OSU Students of Color Campus Tour Guidebook: The stories selected for this booklet showcase the impact and contributions that students of color have had on the OSU campus.
Minorities in the Barometer Digital Collection, 1960-1989: Articles from The Daily Barometer pertaining to multicultural issues and minorities on campus. All articles are organized in chronological order in full text searchable PDFs. The PDFs are organized by year; each PDF file begins with a Table of Contents listing the article titles and dates for the year.
Directory of OSU Students from Countries Beyond the United States: In the SCARC Rare Books History of OSU Collection (LC Call# LD4346 A54), there are several volumes of directories titled “Directory of students from other lands.” or “Directory of foreign students from other lands.” or “Directory of foreign students.” from the 1950s and 1960s that list students by country and include information such as students’ names, addresses, year of study, college or school, and area of concentration. These volumes have been digitized and are available upon request.
Difference, Power, and Discrimination (DPD) Program Records, 1970-2011 (RG 250) The DPD Program Records document the establishment and functioning of the DPD Program at Oregon State University as well as the topics of diversity, discrimination, racism, minority students and faculty, and women in higher education. The DPD Program at Oregon State was established in the early 1990s as a means to deliver courses to address cultural and ethnic diversity as well as racism, discrimination, and their origins.
Ethnic Studies Dept. Materials:
Student Club and Organization Records, 1931-2008 (RG 276): the collection documents the approval and recognition of more than 900 student clubs and organizations at Oregon State University. The records include annual review forms, constitutions and by-laws, lists of officers and members, and event registration forms.
TRiO Student Support Services Records, 1976-2015 (RG 277): These records include grant proposals, reports, committee records, and other materials that document the establishment and ongoing development of TRiO and related programs. TRiO Student Support Services was established with the intent to provide students with academic growth and development opportunities, assist students with basic college requirements, and serve to motivate students toward successful completion of their post-secondary education.
Affirmative Action Office Records, 1971-2010 (RG 172): This record group contains university policies and procedures related to affirmative action, compliance reviews, affirmative action plans and annual reports, and correspondence to the campus community on affirmative action issues.
Office of Multicultural Affairs Records, 1987-2004 (RG 225): This collection documents the administration and functioning of the Office, which was established in 1991, and the variety of multicultural programs and activities for students and faculty at Oregon State University. The Records also reflect the many associated duties of Phyllis Lee, Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs from 1992 until her retirement in 2003.
More specifically, this collection contains a variety of records (reports, correspondence, meeting minutes, photographs, studies) pertaining to the office's role in promoting awareness of diversity and cultural sensitivity issues. The records reflect the various administrative support and outreach activities of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, such as: involvement in committees and advisory panels in the development of university policy regarding diversity, the sponsorship of workshops and presentations to the university community, interaction with regional agencies and organizations serving under-represented communities, and consultation to OSU offices and departments. Also found among these records are correspondence, clippings, and reports sent to the Office describing incidents of racial harassment and discrimination filed by students.
Diversity Development Office, 1998-2002 (RG 228): Established to supervise the four OSU Cultural Centers and the Pride Center, the Diversity Development Office promoted access to cultural, social, academic, and career resources through information sharing and event planning. This collection consists of correspondence, meeting minutes and agendas, publications, and training manuals.
International Students of Oregon State University (ISOSU) Records, 1970-2016 (RG 247): The ISOSU Records document the administration, membership, and event programming of this organization and its affiliated student associations. The collection includes administrative records, promotional materials, photographs, scrapbooks, and video recordings. ISOSU was established as the Foreign Students Association in 1965.
Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) Records, 1968-2012 (RG 230): The Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) Records document the materials and activities of the EOP office in its goal to provide support for students who have traditionally been denied access to higher education. This includes the administrative documents and resources of the program, its committees and workshops, as well as the program’s publications. There is also a significant amount of photographic materials documenting program activities.
Margaret Fox Photograph Collection, 1985-2007 (P 287): Fox was an assistant professor at OSU and taught classes through the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) from 1982 to 2007. The collection is made up of images collected by Fox that document EOP staff, students, and the children of former students. The photo album has been digitized in full.
Miriam Orzech ( OH03b:01 ): Focuses on OSU's Educational Opportunities Program from 1969 to 1980 and academic support services for minority students at Oregon State, particularly the Chicano Student Union, Black Student Union, and Native American Students Association. Orzech also discusses racial prejudice in Corvallis. This oral history interview is a part of the Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection.
Team Liberation Records, 2002-2004 (RG 287) These records document the establishment and functioning of this organization during its first two years. Team Liberation was established at Oregon State University in 2002 to provide interactive human relations workshops to the Oregon State community. All the materials in the collection are born-digital records that are available to researchers in the Special Collections and Archives Research Center Reading Room.
Memorial Union Program Council (MUPC) Records, 1964-2016 (RG 275) ~ These records document the administration of the MUPC and its role in programming campus events. Primarily reflecting activities related to event coordination and publicity, this collection includes artifacts, budgetary documents, contracts, correspondence, digital files, flyers, handbooks, meeting minutes, photographs, posters, publications, reports, and scrapbooks. The MUPC was established in 1948. The collection includes 52 physical photographs and more than 2800 digital photographs; a VHS videotape; and 8.38 Gbytes of born-digital materials.
University Publications Photographs (P 94): The University Publications Photographs consist of images taken or assembled by the publications staff for use in OSU catalogs, brochures, and other publications.
Associated Students of OSU (ASOSU) Records, 1917–2006 (RG 11): The Associated Students of OSU Records document the administration of student government and its interaction with other campus organizations, offices, and bodies primarily for the 1960s through the 1990s.
President's Office Records (RG 13): The President's Office Records reflect the administration of the university and include documentation of policy formulation, publication of statistical information, and review of legal issues.
Faculty Senate Records (RG 44): The Faculty Senate records document the development, administration and activities of the OSU Faculty Senate and its various committees.
Student Leadership and Involvement Records, 1964-2015 (RG 232) ~ These records document the administration of Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI) and its predecessor, the Student Activities Center. These organizations provide support services to student organizations through leadership training programs, event planning assistance, financial advising, and management of the annual student organization registration process. The administrative role that SLI fills was first established in 1957 as the Student Activities Center as a part of the Memorial Union. This collection includes 194 photographs, 4 VHS videotapes, 8 sound recordings and 653 Mbytes of born-digital materials.
Student Affairs Records (RG 102): The Student Affairs Records consist of policy and procedure directives, newsletters, correspondence, annual reports, lists of student activities, and announcements. Most accessions of records from Student Affairs contain information pertaining to multiculturalism or ethnic groups at OSU.
Extension Service Records (RG 111): The Extension Service Records pertain to the administration and programmatic activities of the Oregon State University Extension Service. The records document policies and procedures, research activities, special events, and services provided to Oregonians at the state and county levels.
Budgets and Planning Records (RG 125): This collection consist of budget exhibits, procedure handbooks, staff reports, administrative policies and inventory information.
Dean of Men Records (RG 134): Non-discrimination policy for student organizations at Oregon State College, 1960.
University Advancement Records (RG 210): The University Advancement Records contain materials that document special events held for OSU alumni, faculty and staff, students and others, as well as materials relating to the Office of Finance and Administration and the OSU Web Pages Committee.