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Maker Kits

Maker Kits are part of the Library of Things available at the OSU Valley Library. These kits can be used to invent, create, and develop new skils.

Valley Makey Makey Kit

Loan period -  7 days

Check for availability

Makey Makey contents











  • Makey Makey Board
  • 7 colored alligator cables
  • 6 white wires
  • USB Cord

Makey Makey Resources at The Valley Library

What is Makey Makey?

Makey Makey is an invention kit designed to connect everyday objects to computer keys. Using a circuit board, alligator clips, and a USB cable, the toy uses closed loop electrical signals to send the computer either a keyboard stroke or mouse click signal. This function allows the Makey Makey to work with any computer program or webpage that accepts keyboard or mouse click. - Source