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OverDrive and Libby

Overdrive Collection Focus

OSU Libraries is focusing our content selection on audio textbooks for select courses. If yours is not available, check back another term, we will add more each term.
We also are including some popular titles. Due to limited funding, popular titles are typical chosen because they are for an OSU course.
Looking for more popular titles? Check with your local public library!

What Formats Are Available?

Our OverDrive library contains both ebooks and audiobooks that can be used and downloaded to your computer, tablet, or phone. Library employees have curated a collection of course-related texts and popular titles for you to check out and read!

Borrowing Titles

There are multiple options for borrowing ebooks and audiobooks from OverDrive:

  • Install the new Libby app to download books to a computer, phone or other device
  • Add your OSU account to an existing Libby app account to access resources from all libraries you have memberships with
  • Read or listen online directly through your computer browser with OverDrive Read


  • Ebooks and audiobooks can be checked out for 7 days
  • You can check out up to 5 titles at a time
  • Titles automatically expire at the end of the borrowing period, so there are no late fees.


When a title already has the maximum number of users, you can place a hold to be next in line to use the book. You will get an estimated wait time. You can have up to 6 items on hold at a time.