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FST 385: Communicating Food and Fermentation Science

Library guide to help with the literature review and managing sources for Food Science & Technology 385.

Recitation Topics - Suggested Search Tools

This guide is designed to help you find scholarly articles on your recitation topic.

Start by using one of the broad search tools listed on below: 1Search, Google Scholar, or Web of Science.

Learn more about 1Search and Web of Science on the next two tabs.

Next try one of the more subject-specific search tools suggested below your recitation topic.

Start Broadly - 1Search

Find books, online scholarly articles or newspaper articles that OSU subscribes to.  If you need to find specific items, such as books by a particular author, use the advanced search option for more precise searching. Access 1Search from the library's home page.


Google Scholar

Google Scholar

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A simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.

Find out how to set your preferences in Google Scholar, so you can use OSU Libraries subscriptions to get free access to content that is not free on the web:

How to use Google Scholar (without Paying for the Articles)

Web of Science

Web of Science is one of the most popular databases for scientific researchers. Find scholarly articles from a wide range of science fields.

Explore the connections between articles with quick links to citation information.

Processed Foods - Good or Bad?

Tips - use quotes around the phrase "processed food" so that the search tools look for those words together. Because these terms are such common words, without using quotes, sometimes the phrase can get lost in a sea of other food results.

Also, consider using search terms like health impacts or health outcomes that are more neutral and don't assume that processed foods are good or bad.

Science & Technology of Food Sustainability

Tips - this is a huge topic, consider adding specific challenges to your search (e.g., climate change, salinization, drought, supply chain, conflict). Be on the lookout for alternative terms for technology (e.g., smart agriculture).

If you are using phrases like "food sustainability" in your search, be sure to include quotes around the phrase to help focus your search on that specific idea.

Both the Agricultural & Environmental Science and the CAB databases contains many government and NGO reports as well as scientific articles. Consider reading the reports as they may have concrete information on what types of projects are being discussed or funded.