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DMPTool maintains a collection of public templates based on the specific requirements listed in funder policy documents, and a list of links to funder requirements.
This general template for a data management plan is based on general NSF guidelines. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR CALL FOR PROPOSALS AND WITH YOUR DIRECTORATE FOR MORE SPECIFIC DMP CONTENT REQUIREMENTS. In cases where the expected content of a DMP is not specified by your funding body, using this template should enable you to cover all of the appropriate material. This material is largely based on the DMPTool template and the Digital Curation Centre guidance; we strongly encourage you to use DMPtool because it keeps all of the funder requirements up to date. The DMPTool allows you to create, maintain and archive your DMPs in one location.
Give a short description of the data and materials collected and created, and amounts (if known).
Metadata includes all of the contextual information that would be necessary for someone to understand, use or recreate your dataset (even many years from now). It may include methodological information, definition of variables, units, assumptions made, etc... Metadata can take many forms, from readme files manually created, to automatically generated metadata by sensors, to metadata recorded in a metadata standard. Recording part of the metadata in normalized schemas and metadata standards will enhance discoverability and make your metadata computer friendly.
If you are doing Human Subjects research or working with other types of sensitive data explain how you are going to manage the data to protect the identity of the participants if required.
Are there any intellectual property issues that need to be addressed? If you are going to use a third party dataset, are there any restrictions that should be considered?
Describe how the data will be stored.
Describe how the data will be backed up.
Explain how the policies & procedures you outlined above relate to the reuse and redistribution of your data. Identify who will be allowed to use your data, how they will be allowed to use it, and if they will be allowed to disseminate your data.
ScholarsArchive@OSU is a digital repository that promises preservation, discoverability, and persistency of digital objects and is supported by the OSU Libraries & Press. All datasets deposited to ScholarsArchive@OSU will be assigned DOIs, and metadata for discoverability, usability, and administrative needs of the data.
A list of repositories can be found in re3data.org. Make sure that you evaluate the reliability of a repository first, if you choose it from this website without knowing much about it.
6. Plans for archiving data, samples, and other research products, and for preservation of access to them
This section should cover your long-term strategy for preserving the data produced during your project. See section on data archiving.
ScholarsArchive@OSU is a digital repository that promises preservation, discoverability, and persistency of digital objects and is supported by the OSU Libraries & Press. All datasets deposited to ScholarsArchive@OSU will be assigned DOIs, and metadata for discoverability, usability, and administrative needs of the data.
Sometimes the sharing and preservation section of a Data Management Plan overlap if you are using a repository as both a sharing and a preservation strategy.
Who will be responsible for making sure that the Data Management Plan will be implemented? Who will perform each of the data management tasks (data collection, data assurance and quality control, data documentation, data archiving, etc.). What are the procedures in place that ensure that if one member of the team leaves the project data management tasks will still be performed?
8. Budget
You are encouraged to ask for funding support for the management and preservation of your data. Consider not only hardware costs, but also the personnel time needed to maintain them.
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis OR 97331–4501
Phone: 541-737-3331