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GEOG 240: Human Dimensions of Climate Change

A guide for finding data for assessing climate change impacts for the GEO 240 project.

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Finding the full text of an article

 Look for the 360 link to full text button to open the full article.

Options for getting to the PDF will open in a new window. Sometimes the link will take you to the journal, not the individual article. Use the citation information for the article to get to the right year, volume and issue of the journal.

If the library doesn't have it, request the article for free from Interlibrary Loan. On average, articles arrive digitally in 13 hours.

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Find out how to set your preferences in Google Scholar, so you can use OSU Libraries subscriptions to get free access to content that is not free on the web:

How to use Google Scholar (without Paying for the Articles)

Citing Sources

The Library How-To Guides provide an excellent place to look for help with citing sources - whether for websites, books, or articles.

Do remember that it is critical to cite your sources. Reasons to cite sources include:

  • giving credit to those that have contributed to the conversation ahead of you
  • letting others know how you developed your thinking and conclusions about the topic (and so they can follow the trail back to the sources)

And all materials should be cited. Just because a work is freely available, does not mean the above rationale does not apply.