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WR 214: Writing in Business (Ecampus)

Library resources for Ecampus students in writing for business.

Information Literacy

In Writing 214 you will learn about writing in the workplace, which includes resumes, letters, reports, and memos.  

You'll need to define your task, consider your research strategies, locate and access information, use the information, synthesize what you've learned, and finally evaluate your final product. 

To learn about using library research tools to explore your topic, look at the Library How-To on getting help with a research assignment.

Using the Library from a Distance

If you are off-campus, you will need to know your ONID username and password (the same one that you use for Canvas).

If you come to campus and want to borrow books, please bring your OSU ID and a photo ID with you.

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Borrowing Books from OSU

Book Delivery Services

Where to Return Books

You can borrow books, videos, government documents and other materials from the OSU Libraries. We send the books to you via FedEx (we cannot ship to a P.O. or A.P.O Box).

We also provide a shipping label for you to return the item. It is your responsibility to mail them back to us in a timely fashion. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for the book once it leaves the building. You may wish to use a form of delivery that provides a receipt since you are responsible for the items until the library receives them.

Please make sure we have your correct address. If you have moved or changed your name, we need to know.

NOTE: You need to be registered for a current Ecampus course to use this service.



OSU Valley Library

OSU Valley Library - ILL
121 The Valley Library
201 SW Waldo Pl.
Corvallis, OR 97331

You may also return items in person to the circulation desks of the Valley Library, Guin Library, and Cascades-COCC Library.

Guin Library

Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR  97365  

OSU-Cascades Library

202 Tykeson Hall
500 SW Chandler Ave.
Bend, OR 97702

Set Up Your Google Scholar Preferences

You can set up Google Scholar so it will search in OSU's databases for your article (so you won't have to pay extra to someone to access it).

Step 1:  To make Google Scholar talk to the OSU Libraries collection, go to the Settings link, located on the top right corner of the page:

Google Scholar Settings

Step 2:  On the left-hand side of the Scholar Settings page, choose Library links:

Step 3:  Next either search for Oregon State University in the search box or simply use the checkbox next to Oregon State University (NOT Oregon State University Libraries!)

Google Scholar Library links