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FES 522: Research Methods in Social Science (Tynon)

Assignment: Find an article citing Westover, 1985

To complete your assignment, you will need to find and read another journal article that cites the paper listed below.

Westover, T.N. (1985). Perceptions of crime and safety in three Midwestern parks. Professional Geographer, 37(4), 410-420.

To complete this task, you will

  • Use the Web of Science database's cited reference search
  • Search by the first author
  • Find the matching article
  • Open the articles that cite the Fluker & Turner article
  • Choose an article and open the PDF (or request the PDF through interlibrary loan)


Try Citation Searching

Once you have found some relevant or important articles on your topic, one way to expand your search is through citation searching.  Citation searching looks for all of the articles or books that have cited your initial paper since it was written.  There are two main databases you can use for this kind of search:  Web of Science and Google Scholar.  Both of these databases cover somewhat different sources, so it can be helpful to try both.

Web of Science Cited Reference Search

Select the Cited References tab. Next, search by either the author's name or the article title

Find the entry that matches the article you had in mind. Click on the number of citing articles to view the articles that cited the initial work.

Google Scholar Cited Reference Search:

screenshot of Google Scholar