ScienceDirect This link opens in a new windowElsevier automatically enables researchers at subscribing institutions to text mine for non-commercial research purposes and to gain access to full text content in XML for this purpose. Researchers are able to obtain an API key via the developers portal , which will require them to self-register before receiving a personal API key. For access to data not available through API, researcher must contact Elsevier directly to negotiate
To get an API key:
Go to the "My Projects" page on the Elsevier developer portal. Log in with your ScienceDirect username or create a new profile (a separate account from your EID and password must be created). On the "My Projects" page, click on "Register a New Text Mining Project." Enter a project name and description and accept the text mining user agreement. You will now see your newly registered project listed under "My Text Mining Projects". Click "View API Key" to get your API key.
For further instructions, see: Text Mining Policies, Technical Documentation for Text Mining, Developer's Portal starting page, Text and Datamining FAQs., Text and Data Mining page on, Elsevier User Support for Developers