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If the full-text of the article does not appear in the database, click the 360 Link to Full Text button to determine if OSU has a paper copy or an electronic copy of the journal. If we don't, request the article from InterLibrary Loan (Free!).
LGBTQ+ Source contains abstracts and full text for hundreds of the important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers including The Advocate, Gay Parent Magazine, Girlfriends, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian & Gay Studies, James White Review, ISNA News, Ladder, Lesbian Tide, New York Blade, ONE, Tangents, and many more. You can also find many full-text monographs and books. Additionally, all relevant bibliographic data from NISC's Sexual Diversity Studies is included and this database provides an LGBT thesaurus containing thousands of terms.
The Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) provides access to current and retrospective bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references found in over 1,700 of the world's leading scholarly social sciences journals covering more than 50 disciplines. They also cover individually selected, relevant items from approximately 3,300 of the world's leading science and technology journals. Coverage is from 1965-present.
Index to articles from journals in sociology, social work and other social sciences.
Abstracts and index: 1963-present
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Research Portland history through the Oregonian Collection with coverage from 1861 through current. Study trends, issues, events, advertisements, companies and more through historical and current full newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.
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Corvallis OR 97331–4501
Phone: 541-737-3331