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The OWL (Online Writing Lab) website from Purdue University provides some great examples of citing in APA style and in MLA style (look at the left side menu on the page for the links to examples for various source types).
There are certain basic things you need to cite just about any source, using just about any format:
There are also certain things that must be included for specific types of works. For example, for an article or a book chapter, you would provide page numbers. For a website, you would provide the URL.
The moment when you are most likely to have easy access to all of this information? When you find it in the first place. Know then what you need to take note of to cite it effectively later.
The APA Style Blog post, How To Cite Something You Found on a Website in APA Style, is particularly helpful for formatting citations to websites or web-based reports, etc. The blog itself is searchable and is a valuable source of APA style information.
The basic format for a journal article citation in APA style is as follows (pay attention to capitalization in the article and journal titles and to where italics appear).
In-text Citation:
(AuthorLastName, Year)
Reference List:
In-text Citation (3-5 authors)
(Bull, Levine, Black, Schmiege, & Santelli, 2012)
Reference List
So where do you find this information on the article? See the image below for one example.
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