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WGSS 482/582 Global Perspectives on Women's Health

Sources for this course

Stats-Start Here

Start here for statistical information!

More sources for Statistics

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Women’s Facts and Stats:
Health statistics from the CDC.

Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Do a search for keyword (e.g., “women”) and have access to a variety of publications and reports.

Census Bureau:
the official source for statistical information regarding social, demographic and economic conditions in the U.S. Search by keywords (women, work, etc.)

Regional Equity Atlas (includes Oregon!)

Statistical Abstract of the United States:
The Statistical Abstract of the United States is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States… Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations.

United Nations Women Watch – Statistics and Indexes:
This link includes access to reports, databases and archives relating to gender equality and Women’s human rights.

Featured stats site: Genderstats

gender stats pic

Genderstats is a one stop source of information on gender at the country level; a compilation of data on key gender topics from national statistics agencies, United Nations databases, and World Bank-conducted or funded surveys; a work-in-progress because the database is continuously updated as new information becomes available.

Featured stats site: Woman Stats Project

woman stats project homepage

Woman Stats Project is a comprehensive compilation of information on the status of women throughout the world. Create a login to use their database.