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PH 403: Thesis

Library Session Q & A

Q: How do I add more citation styles to Zotero? I only have about 7 citation choices available when I first install zotero.

A: This Zotero tutorial will guide you through the process of adding more citation styles to your Zotero library:


Q: How do I change from using one citation style to another in my document?

A: This quick tutorial (top right module) will show you  how to easily change citation styles:


Q: Are there any other citation managers, like Zotero, that can be utilized? What are some of the differences between Zotero and alternatives?

A: Yes, there are other citation managers that are available to use. OSU Libraries supports (e.g. provides training on): EndNote, EndNote Web (now being called EndNote Basic), Mendeley, and Zotero. Check out the quick comparison guide: to see similarities and differences among these tools.


Q: What library resources are available that can be accessed off campus by students?

A: Any resource that OSU Libraries subscribes to or has access to (this includes databases, online journals, e-books) is available to you as a student. If you want to access these resources from off-campus, do so by starting from the library website so that you get the link to authenticate with your ONID username and password. That authentication process is key to allowing you to access library resources from off-campus. If you are on campus, you will not need to authenticate.


Workshops for Graduate Students & Faculty

The latest schedule and workshop handouts are available on the Library Workshops guide. The workshops are open to upper division undergraduates as well. Please be sure and register!