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FW 107: Orientation to Fisheries and Wildlife

Find Sources with OSU Library Databases

Find Articles - Search OSU Libraries' 1Search

Find books, online scholarly articles or newspaper articles that OSU subscribes to.  If you need to find specific items, such as books by a particular author, use the advanced search option for more precise searching. Access 1Search from the library's home page.


Find Articles - Search Google Scholar

With Google Scholar you can search broadly (across several disciplines) with one search.  You can use Google Scholar to find peer-reviewed articles, but you will also find pre-print copies of articles, conference papers, white papers, patents, legal opinions and more.

  1. Before you start -- go to Scholar Preferences to enter and select Oregon State University in the Library Links field.
  2. Enter your keywords in the search box.
  3. Browse results, making sure to use the library's subscriptions to get access to the text of the articles where you can.
Google Scholar Search

Find Articles from a Geographic Region

Finding articles on your species in your geographic region can be difficult. Sometimes no one else has asked your research question before! One way to see what animals and plants have been studied in your geographic area is to search JournalMap. JournalMap allows you to search on a map for your area - and even to zoom in to your specific city. JournalMap also allows you to enter a keyword search for your geographic area. Click the circled numbers to see the articles written about that region.

screenshot of the journalmap search interface


Find the full text of an article

 Look for the 360 link to full text button to open the full article.

Options for getting to the PDF will open in a new window. Sometimes the link will take you to the journal, not the individual article. Use the citation information for the article to get to the right year, volume and issue of the journal.

If the library doesn't have it, request the article for free from Interlibrary Loan. On average, articles arrive digitally within one business day.