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This is a general research guide for OSU courses in the Physics department.

Locating books

Use 1Search from the library's home page to search for books in the Valley Library, OSU branch libraries, and Summit Libraries. 

Limit to items in the OSU Libraries (Library Catalog)

Choose the At OSU Libraries only scope to search all of the OSU Libraries collections. This includes Guin, Vet Med, and OSU Cascades.


OSU Libraries scope screenshot



How do I find Ebooks?

To search for an ebook, use the OSU Libraries scope. Click on the View Online tab to link to the ebook. You will need to log in with your ONID information to view the ebook contents.

view ebook full text


How do I get a book from another library?

You can request a book from another library (Summit or Worldcat) using our Interlibrary Loan service.

If the availability of the items says Check Holdings, that means we either do not own the item or it is currently checked out.

Click on the Availability & Request Options tab

Click Request the item from another library.

view search results online or print






You can borrow books from Summit  libraries and have them sent to one of the OSU Libraries.

To search Summit, choose the OSU Libraries + Summit scope from the drop-down menu.

OSU Libraries and Summit scope

To request an item from Summit, click on the Availability and Request Optionstab.

To see which libraries own the item, click on the Summit Libraries(n) link. The (n) indicates the number of libraries that own the item.

Summit requesting options

To request the item, click on the Place Summit request link and fill in the form. Click on Request.

Summit request form

You will be notified via email when you item has arrived and is available for pick-up.

Browse Physics Books

The library collection is arranged by call numbers which allow browsing by searching and browsing by subject. So if a catalog search reveals books or journals of interest, check the titles shelved on either side which will be on similar or related topics (to browse virtually, click the call number link).  If you are physically browsing the collection, physics titles are located on the 1st floor in the following call numbers:

QB460-466       Astrophysics

QC1-75            General Physics 

QC120-168.85  Descriptive and experimental mechanics 

QC170-197       Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter including molecular     physics, relativity, quantum theory, solid state physics (and condensed matter physics).

QC221-246       Acoustics. Sound 

QC251-338.5    Heat 

QC350-467       Optics. Light 

QC474-496.9    Radiation physics (General) 

QC501-766       Electricity and magnetism 

QC770-798       Nuclear and particle physics

QC801-809       Geophysics. Cosmic physics 

QC811-849       Geomagnetism 

QC851-999       Meteorology. Climatology