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Please choose a specific public health topic from the list below. Then, explore the various evidence-based programs (EBIs) located below for your selected topic. By week 4, you should select an EBI to inform your program plan. (Links to EBIs are located on Canvas in the Program Plan Project module under “EBI Selection List”)
EBIs that are listed on dissemination sites will have more information to guide you in this class. For example, the core components are often clearly outlined and typically related research is also included. Some EBIs below come from RTIPS, the National Cancer Institute dissemination site, from CDC’s HIV dissemination site, or from BluePrints for Healthy Youth Development, a site that is focused on evidence based programs for youth.
Topics to choose from:
ARTAS (linking individuals recently diagnosed with HIV to medical care)
Safe Dates (school-based; sexual violence prevention)
Shifting Boundaries (school-based; dating violence & sexual harassment prevention)
d-Up! (community-based; safer sex practices)
Sister-to-Sister (primary care/clinic-based; HIV/STD risk reduction)
Green Dot Bystander Intervention (high school)
Green Dot Bystander Intervention (college)
Topics to choose from:
4 Pillars practice immunization
Intentions prompts to enhance influenza vaccination rates
Tailored interventions to increase influenza vaccination
Narrative HPV vaccination intervention aimed at reaching college women
Immunization Plus (school-based, group education program to improve awareness, attitudes, and behaviors toward immunizations).
Topics to choose from:
5 A Day Peer Education Program (worksite-based program designed to increase f/v intake among employees)
CHIP (clinical, community, religious establishment, or workplace program to promote healthy eating to reduce major risk factors for chronic disease among adults)
APPLE Schools (school-based program to increase physical activity and promote health eating among children)
CATCH (school-based program to promote healthy eating and physical activity among children and adolescents)
Bienestar (school-based program to promote health eating and increased physical activity among children)
Topics to choose from:
Peer-Mentored Preparedness (PM-PREP) (community-based; disaster preparedness)
Inner City Asthma Study (home-based comprehensive intervention; asthma risk reduction)
Block the Sun, Not the Fun (School-based; sun safety)
Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development identifies recommends, and disseminates programs for youth, families and communities that, based on scientific evaluations, have strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing antisocial behavior and promoting a healthy course of youth development and adult maturity.
Finding Evidence-Based Programs and Practices, developed by SAMHSA, pulls together a wealth of evidence-based programs across a wide span of public health topics.
Research-Tested Intervention Programs (RTIPS) is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The topic areas include diet/nutrition, obesity, and physical activity among a number of others.The RTIPs website is a searchable database of evidence-based cancer control programs that provides program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to: 1) programs tested in a research study, 2) publication(s) of the study findings, and 3) program products or materials used with a particular study population in a specific setting. Given that the programs on this site are based on evidence derived research studies, they may be particularly effective in serving the populations and communities in the settings in which they were originally tested.
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review identified programs with evidence of effectiveness in reducing teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and associated sexual risk behaviors.
What Works for Health presents assessments of many policies and programs that can impact health through changes to: individual health behaviors; clinical care; social and economic factors; and the physical environment. Policies and programs in What Works for Health are generally assessed in terms of their effect on the factor(s) that drive health outcomes rather than their effect on health directly (e.g., strategies in the ‘Income’ health factor are assessed for their effect on income, assets, or wealth).
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