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*Marine Science*


Find books, online scholarly articles or newspaper articles that OSU subscribes to.  If you need to find specific items, such as books by a particular author, use the advanced search option for more precise searching. Access 1Search from the library's home page.


1Search Box

Evaluate Your Source

  • Does the source have a bibliography? This can lead you to other sources.
  • Is there an author listed as part of the citation? Judging authority can be difficult without an author.
  • Is the journal refereed (peer reviewed)?
  • How old is the source? Will this matter for your topic? Currency of information can be important. Some aspects of a topic may need currency more than others.
  • What other terminology is being used either by the author or by the database? Keep an eye out for other words you can use in your search statements. Is there a scientific name and a common name? Does the database have subject terms that you can use? What words in the abstract or title are similar to the term you are using? How about plural rather than singular?
  • Do the OSU Libraries own the journal (either in print or electronically)? If we don't own it, it will take more time to get your hands on the source.


  • Evaluate your sources. Don't assume everything you find is true, accurate or timely.
  • Keep track of the sources you find so you can document them accurately in your papers.
  • If you don't get results using one approach, try another. Do not assume that nothing exists on the topic.
  • Phrases - sometimes you can use quotation marks around your words so the computer searches for the words together.
  • Sometimes you have to broaden your search out. You might need to use a broader area like a state or country rather than a specific place.
  • You might need to use a class or order rather than a specific genus species.
  • Not everything is in the computer.
  • Ask for help from a librarian if you get stuck or confused.
  • Don't put all of your research off until the last possible moment. It won't be much fun.

Guin Library

Many resources about marine science topics are located at the Guin Library at the OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, OR. The Guin Library is open Monday - Friday from 8am - 5pm. We are open to the public and Oregon residents are eligible for a library card to borrow books.

Guin Library items can be requested online and sent to the Valley Library in Corvallis for pickup. Similarly, Valley Library books can be requested online and sent to Guin Library for pickup. Books can be returned in either location.