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BA 353: Professional Development (Ecampus)

Professional Associations

What is a Professional Association?

A professional association is a group of individuals who work together to advance the interests of the profession, to support each other in professional development, and to regulate the profession through the development of code of ethics and other guidelines. Professional Associations often offer continuing education opportunities, host conferences, and may publish white papers and reports on the profession or industry. Professional Associations are usually non-profit but do charge membership dues. In addition to the national organization, there may be regional or state branches.

Why should you join one?

  • Job lists
  • Resume help
  • Networking
  • Useful resources about the profession or industry
  • Keep up to date on issues in the profession or industry

How do I find a professional association?

  • Search Google. Use terms such as "marketing professional association"
  • Ask your instructors
  • Use one of the directories on the right

Trade Publications

What is a Trade Publication?

Professional Associations often publish journals that cover topics of interest to the profession or industry, news related items, announcements about upcoming conferences and professional development opportunities, job listings, etc. They usually come out monthly and are often included in the association membership dues.

Why should you read one?

  • Keep up with trends and issues
  • Job listings
  • Interviews with leaders in the profession

How do I find/access one?

  • Check the associations website
  • Search the library (1Search) for the title of the publication
  • Check on Google. Sometimes they will have part of the publication for free online.