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Use One Good Article to Find Others


In this tutorial, you will learn how to use one good scholarly article to find other related scholarly articles.

You can use the example articles in this tutorial to try the process for yourself or use a scholarly article you already have for a project you are currently working on.

Look at this example to see what you will be able to do once you complete this tutorial.

Next Step

Starting Article

In this tutorial, our topic is college students' use of social networking sites. The starting scholarly article is shown below. The citation for this article can be found in a number of library databases and other search tools including 1Search, Academic Search Complete, ERIC, Google Scholar, and Web of Science.

sample academic journal article with title circled


Whatever your topic, the key to finding several good related sources is to find one good starting source.


  1. Think of a research project or paper that you are currently working on (or have recently completed).
  2. Use one of the scholarly articles you cited in that project or paper.  Go ahead...find the article now!
  3. Keep this article on its own tab in your browser (or next to you if you have the paper version).