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H 576: Program Planning for Health/Human Services

Grants: Subscription Databases for OSU users


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OSU Libraries has resources to help you identify grant opportunities:

Oregon/Regional-based Grant Opportunities

Grants: Federal Government logo (covers all the discretionary funding offered by the 26 federal grant-making agencies). Federal grants, especially from the NIH, are a very important source of funding for public health.

NIH P-series grants and R-series grants are two of the more common grant types used (scroll to the top of the page to see all the NIH grant types)



NIH Grants - "How to Apply" Guide to

This NIH "How to Apply" website provides lengthy and detailed but very important grant submission basics, such as what type of application will be needed (paper or electronic) and which forms are necessary, as well as links to contacts, important deadlines, a general timeline, and guidelines for tracking your application through the process.

Writing Your Grant Proposal

The Foundation Center offers an online Proposal Writing Short Course. It is recommended that you go through the tutorial before attempting to write your grant proposal.

The Oregon Community Foundation also offers some grantwriting tips for its applicants, including a guide on making your proposal competitve.

EBooks on Grant Writing from the OSU Libraries Catalog

Print Resources from the OSU Libraries Catalog