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ENG 210: Literatures of the World - Jaspal Singh (Ecampus)

MLA Citation

MLA 9th EditionThe MLA Style Guide is widely used in the Humanities, including: English, literary criticism, film and media studies, and modern languages. Several courses that meet OSU's Bacc Core Writing requirements use MLA style.

This style places a heavy emphasis on the author of the work, reflecting the importance of the single author in these disciplines. Bibliographic entries in MLA style include the author's full name, followed by the title.

In-text citations within the body of the paper display the author and page number.

The MLA Handbook (9th edition) is available as a physical text and online.

MLA Quick Links

The Modern Languages Association, MLA, format is a style often used in the humanities.  The links below will provide more information on using this format for footnotes and for bibliographies.