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Z 423 Environmental Physiology

Research guide to support searching and organizing of sources for Z 423/IB 523

Writing and Research Assistance

The Undergrad Research and Writing Center - at OSU

No appointment needed, just drop in and start working. Research and writing consultants are available throughout your process.  Bring a laptop (or check one out at the Circulation Desk) and whatever tools work for you (pencils, audio recorders, paper, notecards).  

Online Writing Suite

For those who need alternatives to the on-campus setting, we offer feedback through our Online Writing Suite.  You can seek feedback electronically, from home, by scheduling to receive your feedback via an email (asynchronous) consultation or via a Skype (synchronous) consultation. 

Style Guides

Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors and publishers (formerly the CBE style guide)

A helpful online guide  to CSE format: