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OSULP Off-Site Storage Project

Why do you have to to do this project now?

We apologize for the inconvenience. We were given a timeline that we are obligated to complete. Our current building will be torn down and right now is when we have the time and energy to do the work that needs to be done. 

How long will this project last?

The current timeline puts the estimated completion of the project into Winter Term 2021.  As multiple stakeholders and resources are involved in this process from across campus (including University Facilities), the timeline can shift.  If the completion date is moved, this page will be updated.

Is the first floor still the silent floor?

The library's policies for the first floor have not changed. It is still the silent floor. 

Where do I go if I need a quiet place to study?

Noise-canceling headphones and study rooms are available for checkout at the circulation desk. For more information, you can call them at (541) 737-7254 or reserve a study room here. The 6th floor is also available and is the designated quiet floor. If none of these spaces suit your studying needs there is also this list of alternative study spaces on campus you can try. 

How were the work hours for the project decided?

Our Library Experience and Access Department (LEAD) has conducted hourly floor counts to give us an idea of the busy times of day on the first floor. Those responsible for the project have taken this data and chosen the best times that give the fewest disruptions and optimizes the work that needs to be done.

What is WEST?

Oregon State University Libraries is a member of the Western Regional Storage Trust (WEST).  WEST members support the preservation and access to the scholarly print record by making commitments to hold print journals for a minimum of 25 years.  WEST members commit to sharing access to the journal content for any title archived at their institution through Interlibray Loan (ILL).  OSUL is a bronze level archive committed to holding a small number of print journal titles that match our curricular and research areas.  OSUL has supplied print journal titles to fill in gaps for larger archives in the WEST membership.

What is the Print Journal Deselection Workflow?

  1. List Creation: combining usage data (including ILL data), electronic holdings, and holdings in WEST, a list of print journal titles is created.
  2. Initial Review: faculty librarians review the list and determine titles that should remain in the library, move to off-site storage, or be removed.
  3. Pulling Titles: Collection Maintenance staff pull the titles identified for removal from the stacks, change their location in the catalog to "Print Journal Project", and stage the items in the staff work area for 7 days.  Titles will be reviewed and pulled in the following call number order:  Q, QA, QL-QR, QB-QK, S, T, U/V/Z, F, HX-H, E/G, M/N/L, B, D, R, J/K, P, A, and C.
  4. Removal: titles that have been identified to help fill WEST member gaps will be sent to those institutions, all other content will be recycled.

Why are you throwing out books?

We are not throwing away books. All material purchased by OSULP is considered state property and thus giving away or selling of that material is restricted by University Policy. In this process, we work with Surplus to sell the books on behalf of Oregon State University, and with Recycling to sustainably recycle the print journals that can't be sold.


Can I give feedback about this project?

Yes, if you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to fill out this form. We will continue to update as new questions are asked.