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CH 123: General Chemistry

This guide is designed to help you complete your chemistry news article assignment.

Citation Basics

There are certain basic things you need to cite almost all sources, using just about any format:

  • The AUTHOR (or creator) of the work.  This may be one person, many people, a group or an organization.
  • The TITLE OF THE WORK itself.  The article title, the book title, the video title, etc.

If your specific source was published as part of a larger work, then you also need the TITLE OF THE LARGER WORK

This could be a newspaper, magazine or journal (if your source is an article), a book (if your source is a chapter or image), etc.

Common Citation Styles

This page provides basic information and resources about three standard citation styles: APA, MLA, and Chicago/Turabian.  It also provides links to information about additional styles.  Use the navigation on the left to find sub-pages for each citation style, or use these links to jump to a specific style:




Some Science-specific styles