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WR 449/549: Critical Reviewing

Resources for the study and practice of reviewing film, books, restaurants, food, theater and more.

Finding Reviews

To find reviews in magazines or newspapers, use

There are several ways to search for reviews:

  • Search for the name of the play, song, or movie. Use " " around the title.
  • Search for the name of the critic


Selected Reviewing Sources

The sources listed below are useful for finding reviews on many different things from restaurants to movies to concerts. These are always good starting points.



Atlantic Monthly 

  • Online 1857-1901)
  • Online (1993-present)
  • Print, AP2.A7 (Print 1857-present), 6th floor

New Yorker

New York Magazine

  • and many more...

Course Instructor

Course Description

This class offers an opportunity for students to gain experience writing, reading and analyzing reviews of various kinds (movie, book, music, restaurant, art, etc.) and in various print and online journals.  In addition to writing these and other reviews, we will read reviews published in a variety of sources (including The New York Times Review and The New Yorker, which will be in the course bundle) and study the history of reviewing as a cultural and institutional phenomenon, with the question of professional, amateur and citizen reviewers.  We will also look at the relationship between the rhetorical situation of a publication (the left-leaning Nation versus the more moderate New Yorker, for instance) and the form and content of reviews that appear in its pages. Finally, in this class we will spend some time discussing what might be characterized as the economics, politics, and ethics of critical reviewing. 

Find Images You Have Permission to Use

Flickr - Advanced Search Screen

Images that have been licensed by their creators with a Creative Commons license - telling you how you can legally and ethically use their photos.   Show me

Labeling and citing images

Even when the images you use are copyright free, you should acknowledge the creator and indicate the source. 

  • For examples of using MLA style to fully cite images you use in a research paper, click here: citing images 

Please be aware of legal restrictions on the use of images.  Boston University has a useful webpage on Image Copyright .


Printing Posters

Student Media Services  (Main Floor, Valley Library): production and printing services funded by student activity fees.

The Pour, a blog by Eric Asimov

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